Family Service of South Lake County
Programs & Services
Strategic Plan
Calendar of Events
Volunteer Opportunities
Contact Us
In Giving, We Receive
When we think of volunteering, we often think of how our contributions will affect those we serve. What we typically miss is that in giving, we receive. By helping others, you experience a satisfaction and joy that enhances your own life. We have many volunteer opportunities to suit your interests and time. Please consider:
- Bilingual tutoring of children and teens at the Nuestro Center family resource center in Highwood;
- Leading a recreational activity or teaching a bilingual educational workshop at Nuestro Center
- Serving as a board member on one of four boards (Click on our Board page);
- Joining an ad hoc committee to offer your expertise on planning a special event, such as our annual board meeting or fundraising benefit;
- Providing time-limited, task-specific administrative support, such as filling in for secretarial staff on vacation, maintaining our Web site as needed or serving as a computer programmer, grant writer, archivist, agency photographer or newsletter reporter.